Round 7: Joshua comes out with a grin on his face. Ruiz lands another left hand that pushes Joshua back. Ruiz lands a good shot, Joshua gets one back. Two clean punches land for Ruiz as counters. Left hook from Ruiz partially lands on Joshua. Joshua is back to fighting now and reaches on a left hook. Round 6: Ruiz pushes forward with a couple of jabs, Joshua responds with one of his own. Glancing right hand from Ruiz lands upstairs. Ruiz jabs Joshua in the chest, then the gut. Solid shot lands for Joshua and he tries to follow it up with big punches that Ruiz evades. Ruiz isn’t doing himself any favors by not pushing the pace. Another slow round as Joshua is still taking time to recover and not throwing many punches. Lead left hook partially lands for Ruiz, then a right hand that follows. Joshua misses on a jab, then a left hook. Round 5: Joshua doesn’t even know what punch knocked him down! He asked his trainer in between rounds. Ruiz 10-9, Joshua did absolutely nothing this round. Jab to the body lands for Ruiz this time. Joshua has hardly thrown a punch in this round, he’s purely on the defensive. Joshua biding his time by circling the ring but Ruiz is sort of letting him off the hook by giving him time to recover. Ruiz stalking Joshua and Joshua looks hesitant and he’s breathing heavy. Round 4: Ruiz comes out and is trying to finish Joshua off! Joshua still doesn’t look like he has his legs under him. Both fighters trade and Ruiz drops Joshua with a counterpunch! Oh My God! This has escalated quickly! Joshua beats the count and Ruiz tries to maul him! Right hand lands for Joshua and Joshua’s legs are wobbly! Ruiz comes with a combination and Joshua is hurt badly in the corner and goes down again! WHAT IS HAPPENING?! How do I score this? Ruiz 10-8? Hard right hand lands again for Joshua and then a left hook. Right hand lands for Joshua, then a left hook that drops Ruiz! Ruiz beats the count and takes a deep breath. Round 3: Ruiz probes Joshua’s defense and tries to step in by using a lot of head movement. Another touching jab to the body scores for Joshua. Left hook lands for Joshua but Ruiz takes it well. There hasn’t been any real action in this fight so far, and it looks like the crowd is getting a little anxious.

Joshua touches Ruiz to the body with a jab again, waiting for Ruiz to overextend himself and walk into something big - Ruiz hasn’t taken the bait yet.

Ruiz misses on a right hand that comes up short. Ruiz starts out with a combination that’s pretty ineffective. Round 2: Joshua’s trainer urges him not to rush his offense in between rounds. Joshua touches Ruiz to the body again and then lands a stiff jab to the face. Another three punch combination just misses from Ruiz. Joshua starting this fight really cautiously, staying on the back foot and letting Ruiz come to him. Joshua touches Ruiz to the body again and then lands a right hand upstairs. Joshua misses on a left hook and Ruiz responds with three punches that miss. Round 1: Ruiz steps in but falls short with a jab to the body.

Ruiz, check out the play-by-play courtesy of Bad Left Hook. WE HAVE A FIGHT ON OUR HANDS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! #JoshuaRuiz /Kf4zJBebne- DAZN USA June 2, 2019įor more on Joshua vs.